Ls- Lists files

Ls-a- Lists all files

Cd- Change directory

Cd…- Go up to parent directory

Mkdir- Make a new directory

Touch- For one or more files, update the access time and modification time (and dates)
            to the current  time and date

Man- Display information from the online reference manuals

Info- Display online documentation previously built from Texinfo

Clear- Clear the terminal display

Exit- End the application

Su- Create a shell with the effective user ID user

Sudo- Allows users to run programs with the security privileges of
          another user

Pwd- Print the full pathname of the current working directory

Cp- Copy from file to file

Mv- Move or rename files and directories

Which- List the full pathnames of the files that would be executed
            if the named commands had been run

Whoami- Display current user id and access

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